Professional Reviews 


Determined, resourceful, creative. These are the three qualities that best characterize Sierra Burt’s working style. She designed countless individual projects and campaigns for numerous diverse student organizations and clubs. Her design software skills grew greatly during that time, as did her creative ingenuity and client interaction and management strategies.

Sierra was in her element when given creative latitude, although she was quite capable of adhering to the strict requirements of detail-oriented technical projects. Displaying sophisticated analytical capabilities when involved in print management, she was able to set up print projects in such a way as to maximize efficiency of time, paper and ink usage.

Sierra worked independently with minimal oversight, adhering to the tasks at hand with dedicated self-motivation. She successfully juggled many plates - a full course load, membership in the demanding Honors College, and working at another campus job. She has a quirky sense of humor, as colorful as she is in person.

If you need a creative dynamo with a strong desire to grow her career in the field of advertising and marketing, I recommend that you seriously consider Sierra Burt as a candidate.
— Connie Gage, SOU Student Publicity Center Coordinator
Although Sierra joined us as Graphic/Packaging Designer in our Intern program, she performed the role as a professional full-time hire would have. She on-boarded easily, and her knowledge, talent, skills and personality allowed her to contribute immediately as a key member of my team. Sierra possesses both realistic business knowledge as well as raw creativity- so necessary in today’s marketplace. She is a jewel any leader would want in their treasure box. I strongly recommend Sierra and would rehire her in an instant if I had availability.
— Debbie Hastey, Harry & David Packaging Design Director


Sierra radiates with a ‘can do’ attitude that is contagious and rare. She is outstanding and professional in everything she produces.

I started working with Sierra in 2016, as EPIC was preparing to start their marketing strategy for their spring event, Floatopia, also known as the biggest event at Southern Oregon University. EPIC knew this was a big job to give to a new marketing individual in the Student Publicity Center, but something told me that this woman was unique – and that she was. These past two years working closely with Sierra on over fifteen different marketing flyers, I have observed that Sierra Burt has grown tremendously in her marketing skills. Her creativity has gained a large amount of attention, on our social media page, from people at our events, and by the staff at Southern Oregon University.

It is an enjoyment to work closely with Sierra. She has exceptional communication skills, especially in a collaborative work environment. She takes constructive feedback excellent and is flexible with last minute changes. EPIC fully trusts her creativity and work, that oftentimes gives her the creative freedom to produce marketing that is eye catching, beautiful and unique.

Sierra is one of the most special and creative that I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with. She is intelligent, talented, and caring. She has worked hard to make EPIC, SOU and the community proud of her efforts. I highly recommend Sierra Burt in her future endeavors, and I know that she will bring greatness to wherever she goes.
— Mayra Agular, Event Planning Involvement Committee Coordinator
When I first started working with Sierra I had a vague idea of what I wanted and Sierra was instrumental in making my half-formed ideas into a reality. She was patient with every new idea I threw her way, and never once dismissed any element I suggested. She managed to do the impossible, and incorporate all the information I wanted without compromising the design aesthetic or creating materials that were visually overwhelming. Additionally, despite all the changes I requested every time I had a new idea, Sierra managed to complete the project well within the deadline I had proposed, which demonstrated extremely effective time management skills and professionalism. I received incredibly positive reviews both from the rest of my team and from students across campus who used them as a tool to keep track of all the different events that occurred during Earth Week.

Sierra was also an excellent person to work with. She consistently kept me informed of all progress on her designs, sent me drafts whenever I asked, and checked in after the finished product was completed to ensure that she had met all the requirements. She was conscientious, kind, and professional, and made working with the Student Publicity Center an absolute pleasure. I am happy to give her a glowing recommendation for whatever she chooses to pursue next. I would hire her again in a heartbeat!
— Lindsay Swanson, ECOS Student Director and Director of Sustainability


Radically thorough. That is how I would describe Sierra. “Radical” in the fundamental sense (not the extremist sense). My experience of Sierra’s approach to her work is that her exploration is multi-layered. Sometimes represented aesthetically but always represented conceptually. This gives Sierra the unfair advantage. She is both a good designer and a deep thinker. Her solutions to design projects were researched for their relevance to the audience as well as reflective of the material expressed, including complimentary typography, color, symbol and messaging. Her work is inviting and beckons the viewer to engage. When waggishness is called for, Sierra delivers, often in an unsuspecting way and with aplomb. She has a great enthusiasm that is infectiousness and generous. I would recommend her unreservedly for any design team.
— Gwenne Wilcox, Chief Creative Officer, Brand Magic Marketing
Sierra has an engaging personality and is someone with whom it is a pleasure to associate. This was evident in her interaction with peers. She has a mature attitude and a strong work ethic. Organizations which are fortunate enough to count her as a member, will benefit greatly from contributions she will make on both the personal and professional level.

I was fortunate enough to have Sierra enrolled in two upper division classes, Business Strategy and policy, and our Capstone Business Planning Course. These learning opportunities require group work, case study and written analysis, team participation, in a simulated corporate strategy game, and significant text readings. They are some of the most demanding classes in our department and were with outstanding results. She is a first rate student and was a strong contributor to class discussions from the start and a pleasure to have in class.
— John Kinard, SOU School of Business Senior Instructor, Harvard MBA