PSA Design


Validation Through Social Media

Social media can diminish people's authentic experience of emotions and activities. Instead of enjoying significant moments, people instantly post about them, almost like they need social validation to feel like the moments in their lives were good.  This change in human behavior has also changed how humans view one another - now people are judged on their social media appearance instead of who they are.


Climate Change Awareness

Portraying humanity as Mother Earth's fetus, this project shows that humanity’s health and future depend on the Earth’s health and natural resources. As each stage progresses, Mother Earth and humanity show equal levels of deterioration. Also, as each new stage is entered, as a somber reminder that there are environmental tipping points that make damage impossible to reverse, the empty shell of the last stage hovers like a ghost, indicating that we must act now. Finally, to create a stronger personal connection and greater impact - by staring straight on, viewers watch as humanity’s eyes, the windows to the soul, lose all life.